Wednesday, July 1, 2009

3 Years later...

And life still feels like a honeymoon! :)


And now


Candace said...

I remember your wedding like it was yesterday and how in love you and Dan were. It is amazing to see that same love today. I love you guys!!!

Ellen said...

You guys are and were SO totally cute! Miss you in the ward! We live in WB now if you want to hang out! Miss you!

Marie said...

Happy three years guys!!! You are such a cute couple and we miss you so much! It was so fun to see you a couple weeks ago. I hope the trip back wasn't as big of a pain as the trip out. :)

Unknown said...

You two look exactly the same! (maybe less sunburned). Congrats on 3 years!

Echoing Ellen's statement: we sure DO miss you. glad you keep us updated here. How is your new ward? Are you going to have the same classes as Jenni Harris for Dental Hygiene? She starts the program in the fall too.

Em said...

Seriously, what a great couple you two make. Congrats on 3 years and that's so awesome you'll be starting up dental hygiene school. It sounds like things are going well. Yay!

Anna said...

awe, you guys are adorable. congrats on the dental hygiene. :)

Kelly said...

Happy 3rd anniversary!! You are still soooo cute!!

Sarah said...

Hey guys. How are you? It's so exciting to hear that you're doing dental hygiene. It's a wonderful field.

Good to see you.

-Sarah Meacham