Saturday, June 25, 2011

Five Years!

Counting my many blessings today and most of them have something to do with this guy!

This year we celebrate 5 years of marriage-the best marriage I could have ever imagined. Not that they've been easy years; three and a half years of trying to have children without success can take quite a toll on a person. But through the tears, hormonal outbursts and sadness Dan has been there for me all the way. When I feel like I can't make it through another day I remember that Heavenly Father has blessed me with a wonderful companion and I know everything will be okay! I'm thankful that He knew just what I would need in an eternal companion and helped Dan look past all my imperfections and fall in love with me. I guess I'm a lucky girl after all! ;) Looking forward to a lifetime and eternity with this wonderful guy!