Friday, May 2, 2008

Happy Birthday to two of my favorite people!

Dan- The sweetest and best husband ever! He's so patient with me and always treats me like I'm a queen. I'm not sure what I've done to deserve him. Dan makes everyday life so much fun! I can't imagine life without him. I'm so lucky to have a husband who is also a best friend! I love you Dan!

Lauren-aka Brenda, Lolly Dolly, Brynn and Burns. Unfortunately she has had to endure these and many other crazy names I've called her. She's such a sweet sister and one of the smartest people I know. When we were kids one of her favorite hobbies was writing reports out of the encyclopedia! :) Lauren's been a great example to me every since I've known her-24 years wow! And when I was little I asked my parents if I could call her my friend and I've thought of her that way ever since! Love you Lauren!


Lolly said...

thanks tiff...loves you too!!!!!

Katherine said...

Those are some great pics of you and your sister! Oh, and the ones of Dan too!

Candace said...

Happy b-day Lauren and Dan! I love the old pictures of yall. :)