Saturday, July 19, 2008

Bienvenido a Miami

Dan and I took a trip down to south Florida this week and it was wonderful! We went to South Beach and did some shopping in the Art Deco district and took a walk on the beach. We had lunch at Pamela's deli, a delicious Chilean restaurant. I got to try a completo, churrasco, empanadas (Chilean style-there is a difference), pastel de choclo and torta de mil hojas. It was all really good but my favorite was the torta which is lots of layers of thin cake with caramel in between...yum! Dan was in Chilean heaven!! While in Miami we also went through little Havana and took a tour of the everglades. Riding the airboat was actually a lot of fun except for the fact that we had to stuff toilet paper in our ears because it was so loud. We saw lots of alligators and I got to hold little Snappy-a one year old alligator. He was super cute but the guy told us not to kiss him because he would kiss back-haha!

When we weren't in Miami we spent most of our time on the beach. Fort Lauderdale was awesome and we highly recommend it to anyone that is going to FL. We could see the bottom even when we were waist deep in the water- it was beautiful! I could go on and on and on about how beautiful it is but I'm sure you can see from the pictures. :)

The icing on the cake was the fact that there was a Krystal (if you're from the south and you've ever left you understand the excitement! :))right in front of our gate in the Atlanta airport so we got to have a Krystal burger before heading to Ohio-delicious!


Marie said...

So fun! I loved the slideshow!

Michelle said...

Ooh! An alligator - that is quite brave of you Tiffany - I'm not sure I could be convinced to hold one, even a baby! Glad you avoided a "kiss":)

Candace said...

I'm so glad you guys got to go on a nice vacation!!! Enjoy it now befure you have kids. :)

Candace said...

That should say BEFORE! Sorry I'm trying to type while I'm holding Laurel and she likes to hit the keys now.

Also, I LOVE the pictures of yall on the beach!!!

Jonathan and Rachel said...

What a blast! I love all the pictures - they look awesome - have to have a Krystal every now and then ... just isn't anything like one :) Have a great summer!

Katherine said...

good for you guys!

Anna said...

What fun! Going to a beach with clear water up to your waist just sounds so appealing to me right now ... I'm glad y'all got to enjoy that! Miami sounds like a fun place to vacation.