Friday, July 22, 2011

Family Pics 2011

My family was lucky enough to have a photo shoot with the lovely and talented Kellie Anderson before she moved away. She really did an amazing job! Here are a few of the ones she's sent us so far! Can't wait to see more!

Three best friends that just happen to be sisters!

My sweet mom and dad. They celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary this year!

And here are a few of the whole family. What a wonderful family I've been blessed with! So thankful families are forever!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Five Years!

Counting my many blessings today and most of them have something to do with this guy!

This year we celebrate 5 years of marriage-the best marriage I could have ever imagined. Not that they've been easy years; three and a half years of trying to have children without success can take quite a toll on a person. But through the tears, hormonal outbursts and sadness Dan has been there for me all the way. When I feel like I can't make it through another day I remember that Heavenly Father has blessed me with a wonderful companion and I know everything will be okay! I'm thankful that He knew just what I would need in an eternal companion and helped Dan look past all my imperfections and fall in love with me. I guess I'm a lucky girl after all! ;) Looking forward to a lifetime and eternity with this wonderful guy!